Why Can't I Import My Database? Are You Guys Nuts?

Why EZezine.com Does Not Allow Database Imports:

Most current anti-spam legislation requires digital proof of "affirmative consent."
This means that you as a list owner, and we as your ezine host, are responsible for being able to digitally prove where, when, and from what IP address every subscriber has opted-in to your list. The only way that we can reliably obtain this data is via a web-based subscription form.

Many EZezine members come to us from previous providers with un-clean lists.
Most bulk-sending hosts do not adequately maintain clean lists. Importing un-clean lists gets everyone in trouble!

a) You: unclean lists inevitably lead to abuse and spam accusations against you.
b) Us: unclean lists inevitably lead to blacklisting us and all members suffer as a result.
c) Your Subscribers: unclean lists inevitably lead to unhappy subscribers.
d) Other EZezine Members: unclean lists affect the credibility of every EZezine member.
e) Deliverability: since unclean lists result in a-d above, successful delivery of your ezine decreases as well.

Into the Future
We want to provide a service that will be there for you time and again down the road. The only way that we can assure this is if we remove all possibility of becoming blacklisted. It's no fun to switch service providers. We want to help you not have to do this.

People Have Faulty Memories
Just because someone verbally told you that they want to receive your ezine, it doesn't mean they're going to remember that when they receive it in their inbox. By opting-in your list you can prevent the fallout of faulty memories.

EZezine Has The Successful Delivery of Your Ezine as Our Number One Priority
We want your ezine to get to your subscribers' inboxes as much as you do. Bad email addresses on a bulk sender's lists is the number one cause of blacklisting and refusal of service from ISPs. As you can see here, we are not blacklisted with any spam reporting agency. We intend to keep it that way.

Peace of Mind
By knowing that every EZezine member has opted-in their subscribers, you should never have to worry about abuse complaints against your ezine.

Yeah, But Won't I Lose Subscribers if I Ask Them to Re-Opt-In?

Not likely. What you will lose are bad addresses, "zombie subscribers," people who are filtering your ezine automatically to their junk bins or clicking their delete buttons. Your real subscribers will take the 30-second step of re-opting-in. Anyone who doesn't take this step was likely not reading your ezine in the first place, if they were receiving it at all.

What you will gain is a true picture of your database. What's more important to you in your subscriber list, quality or quantity?

OK, I Get It, But How Do I Ask Them to Opt-In?

Here's what we recommend:

  1. Create an EZezine account here.
  2. Configure all of your ezine settings and generate your subscription form.
  3. Place your subscription form on your website.
  4. Via your previous ezine host or via your email, send a mailing directing your list to your new subscription form, asking them to opt-in. (See below for suggested wording.)

Suggested Wording for Opt-In Requests

Here are some examples of opt-in requests that our members have used. Feel free to tweak these to suit your needs or make up your own. We have found that shorter and to the point is better than long explanations.

Sample 1:

In our efforts to better serve you, we want
to be certain that you would like to continue
to hear from us.

Please take a moment to fill out the simple
subscription form at http://URL. This quick
step will assure that there is no interruption
in your delivery of xyz ezine.

Sample 2:

Just a quick notice....
We're upgrading our ezine delivery service and
want to be certain that you don't miss a
single issue of xyz.

Be sure not to miss an issue, by going
to http://URL and filling out the simple form
you will find there.

Sample 3:

Hello Fine Subscriber!
It's springtime here and we all know that spring means change!
Well, there have been some changes in my monthly newsletter,
xyz News. This means that in order to comply with the new
Can Spam legislation, I must ask you to re-subscribe using
the double opt-in method. It's quite simple... if you wish to
continue getting valuable tips each month, you just
have to follow this path: http://URL

Type the email address where you wish to receive the newsletter,
and hit "subscribe." Shortly, you will receive a confirmation
email in response. This is the important part... you must use that
email to CONFIRM that you really did sign up. Otherwise, you
won't get any tips and will be deleted from the database. I know it's
an extra step, but it allows us to be in compliance with the law and
ensures that my newsletter will never be unwanted spam. I appreciate
your support and hope that you will re-subscribe, as I don't want to lose you!

Sample 4:

In keeping with the double opt-in requirements
that most reputable mailing hosts now require,
the mail host that I use to send xyz
News to you has adopted this policy.

While I applaud their efforts to help relieve
the problem of spam on the internet, it does
require you to re-subscribe if you wish to
continue to receive xyz News.

I apologize for the inconvenience this will
cause you, and I do hope that you find xyz
News informative and enjoyable enough to
take the 30 seconds it will take to complete
your re-subscription.

To do so please complete the form on this page:

If you choose not to re-subscribe let me take
this opportunity to thank you for being a loyal
subscriber in the past, however this will be the
last communication you will receive from
URL.Com if you do not continue your

Sample 5:

New System for XYZ Ezine Requires Your Subscription

XYZ ezine is migrating to a new system which will distribute our email newsletter ONLY to people who have specifically requested subscriptions. In keeping with this no-spam and legally compliant system offered by EZezine, if you wish to continue to receive xyz news, updates and information about our customer projects, holiday hours, etc., would you kindly:

1. Voluntarily Opt-in:

Visit the Newsletter Sign-up Page at our website, where you can enter your information.
At http://URL

2. Confirm Your Subscription:

When you receive a confirming Email message, click on the specified link to confirm that you want to subscribe.

That's all there is to it!

Thank you for subscribing, and we look forward to serving your brochure, newsletter and web-based needs in days to come.

Your subscription will stop if you do not subscribe and confirm. We hope you'll stay in touch by opting-in now at http://www.URL

Are You Guys Nuts?

Well, in some ways yes. But not when it comes to our dedication to maintaining the most stable ezine delivery service on the web. Sure, many folks won't be willing to opt-in their existing lists. We know. We've seen them walk away and go elsewhere. But, that's OK. The many members who use EZezine see the value of taking this step. Our members enjoy knowing that they are with a service that will be around for years to come. And we enjoy being able to provide you with this stability.

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